Rather than simply receiving financial support, winners of the TED Prize are granted something extraordinary: something which children dream about, but which adults assume is merely the stuff of fairy-tales.
They are granted three WISHES to change the world.
They may wish for anything. And TED will seek to make their wishes come true.
Bono won the TED prize in 2005.
Rock star and activist Bono accepts the 2005 TEDPrize with a riveting talk about our moral obligation (and economic incentive) to help lift Africa out of poverty. He unveils his TEDPrize wishes by challenging the TED community to help build a social movement of more than one million American activists for Africa; to tell people one billion times about the ONE campaign; and to connect every hospital, health clinic, and school in one African country, Ethiopia, to the Internet.
Click on the picture. (28 min. 37 sec.)

For more: Read the update on Bono's wishes.
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