December 13, 2006

Test Prep Exercises - Questions 1, 2 and 8

hey guys. Sandy and I had an agreement to switch days, if she chose me tomorrow.
So yes, its me EEDCE.

(1) In the diagram below, AB and CB are tangents to a circle with radius 10. If angle AB find x, the shortest distance from B to the circle.

= 10/cos50
h = 15.557units

x = h - 10
x = 15.557 - 10
x = 5.557 units

(2) Given: Circle with centre C
- Angle 1 = Angle 2
Prove AB=CD

statement proof
Angle 1 = Angle B given
BC ~= CD ~= AC radii
Triangle ABC is isoscles from above
Triangle ACD is isoscles from above

Therefore, AB cannot be congruent to CD.

8. Complete the proof:
Diagram clarification: E, D, C are collinear
Given: EA is tangent to the circle at A


Statement Proof
AD // BC given
EA is tangent at A given

Angle 8 = Angle 7 Tangent-Chord Theorem
Angle 7 = Angle 5 Alternate Angles
Angle 6 = Angle 8 - Angle 9 Tangent-Chord Theorem
Angle 1 = Angle 2 Triangle ABC ~ Triangle AEC

Okay. thats it folks.
homework is to finish the rest of this pre-test if not yet done so.

SANDY will take it away tomorrow.

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