September 12, 2006

Review of Quadratic Formulas

Hi Ben here and today we went over some of the questions in the 2nd assignment. One new topic we learnt today was inequality and how to make them equal like this:
Jim and Kim had brought some money to buy ice cream but Jim was 24¢ short while Kim was 2¢ short so they decided to pool they're money together but they were still short. How much is one cone?

Ice Cream cone= x Jim= x-24 Kim= x-2
Equation: So we know that together they're amount is x-2+x-24 and is still less than x, the price of the cone. So the inequality equation would be X-2+X-24< size="3">Another topic is the different equations used to find the slope and y-intercept of of a linear function and the three equations are:

  • y=mx+b - y-intercept equation
  • Ax+By+C=0 -General/Standard Form
  • y-y1=m(x-x1)- Point Form (The 1s are supposed to be subscipts)
Math Dictionary

Here are some math dictionary entries:

Quadratic Functions: A function that has a degree of 2

Ex: y=x²-5x+6 is a quadratic function because it has a degree of 2 y=x³+2x-6 is not a quadratic funtion because it has a degree of 3

Domain: All of the permissable (possible) values of x, the independent variable.

Range: The permissible (possible values) outputs, y, of the dependant variable.

How to write Interval Notation

  1. Write the smallest number in the required interval.
  2. Write a comma.
  3. Write the largest number in the required interval.
  4. Use square brackets, [ ], around the end points that are included in the interval
  5. Use round brackets, ( ), around end points that are not included in the interval.
Here is a picture with an example of Interval Notation

Anatomy of Set Builder Notation
{ x
| -5>X ≥6 ; x ε R }


| -A vertical line meaning "such that"
R -(Supposed to be the sign of the Real Numbers) an example of the set of numbers from which we choose our values
ε -The greek letter Epsilon meaning " an element of" or "in the set of"

5>X ≥6 -An example of restrictions on the variable
Here is an equation for a parabola that will have a vertex at (0,0) and it might look like this on a graph

y=x² But if you wanted to move a parabola to the side you have to have the x-variable and have a constantin brackets and have it squared like this: y=(x-3)²
Well that's all of the Math dictionary entries we entered today and our next scribe is umm... Crysta. There seems to be something wrong with the font I think but I'll try to fix it later.
Until the next scribe page is up good luck and remember fractions are our friendsO.o


  1. When you changed the size of your text the message became confusing. Try to use a smaller sized font and your message will be easier to understand. It looked like you were screaming out the "Anatomy of Set Builder Notation".

    When you use colour use it in a patterned way. I would not recomend that you use colour to create the "skittles effect". Use colour to highlite or change topics in a scribe post.

    All of this said. This is a good first effort.
    Mr. Harbeck
    Sargent Park School

  2. Hi Ben,
    You really didnt have to use the "1" in the set builder notation. I think you could've used pipe instead "|"

    Nat ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your welcome...oh i forgot to tell you that the scribe was awesome.

  5. Nice revisions. Great Post

    Mr. Harbeck
    Sargent Park School
